If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:1-3
Here at Fishing Creek Arbor, we long to see our youth seeking Christ. It is our desire to teach the Word of God, provide a safe place for honest discussion, and provide opportunities for each youth to know Christ, grow in their faith, and go out into the world as ambassadors for Him. Our group studies the Bible together, serves together, goes on trips together, and has a ton of fun together!

Meet our Youth Pastor.
Trevor Royall (aka Rev Trev) started attending Fishing Creek Arbor with his family in 2008, when he was in 7th grade. Being a part of the youth at FCABC played a vital role in laying the foundations of his faith. After graduating from Wilkes Central in 2014, he moved to Lynchburg, Virginia to pursue a ministry related degree at Liberty University. He married Hollie-Anne in 2017 and a year later, in 2018, graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Pastoral Leadership. Immediately following his Bachelor's Degree, Trevor began Seminary and graduated with a Master's of Divinity in Christian Leadership and Church Ministries. Trevor and Hollie-Anne are excited that God has called them back to their hometown to pour out their lives in the ministry that so greatly impacted their own faith just a decade ago. Trevor and Hollie-Anne have two sons, Truett and Shepherd.
Questions? Email Rev Trev:
Questions? Email Rev Trev:
What we are studying:

In our series "My Weakness, His Glory" we will be looking at different important figures from both the Old & New Testaments and how God worked through their lives! Come find out how God worked through the lives of Noah, Abraham, Rahab, Moses, Esther, King David, Daniel, Peter, Paul & more!
Be sure to be in the Youth Room at 9:15am on Sunday mornings and 6:45pm Wednesday nights!
Be sure to be in the Youth Room at 9:15am on Sunday mornings and 6:45pm Wednesday nights!
Curious about events going on with the youth? Click the link below!
Keep up with our youth events and everything going on at FCABC through the Arbor App!
Arbor Youth Media Highlights
Check out some of the ways our youth are involved in our worship services here at Fishing Creek Arbor!
Camp Caswell
Each summer our Youth travel to beautiful Oak Island, North Carolina to attend Camp Caswell. This is a week long camp where Youth gather for Bible study, worship service, devotions, mission projects, team building, and lots of fun! Youth grow in their Christian walk and basically have an all-out Youth Revival! (Available for Youth entering 7th grade – 12th grade graduates)