What is WMU?
what we do
WMU-is The Women's Missionary Union. It is a Christ-like mission organization for women in the church. The purpose is to educate and involve adults, youth and children in the cause of Christian missions. Through bible study, prayer, devotionals, mission projects, and outreach. Each meeting offers opportunities and resources to be involved with missions in everyday lives.
The WMU members organize, implement and encourage spiritual growth in the women's ministry such as annual fundraisers of Rada knives, South Georgia nut sales, Southern Flavoring, in house Barren tree, and Christmas cards. From time to time WMU may sponsor and serve a dinner after church. Proceeds from these fundraisers help with local missions, such as medical needs, financial needs, electrical bills, house repairs, and nutritional needs of families in our community. Donations are made to Samaritans Purse, Hope Ministries, Ebernezer Children's Home, Red Cross, Wilkes Pregnancy Center, Mt Sinai Food Pantry and other case by case needs throughout our community.
when we meet
Some ways we serve
WMU meets the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm in the Children's Wing
We welcome all ladies to attend and help us reach out in assisting everyday people, and bring them the gospel of Our Lord and Savior!
We welcome all ladies to attend and help us reach out in assisting everyday people, and bring them the gospel of Our Lord and Savior!
These are just a few of the ways we serve
- New Light Ministry Soup Kitchen
- Red Cross Blood Drive
- Hope Ministries Toy Store
- Organize Food Committee to serve families at funerals