Team Kids
Grades 1st-2nd
"Train up a child in the way he should go; And when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
Team kids is a class where children grow spiritually and develop a lasting relationship with our Lord. It is our desire to see the next generation of children experience a Christ-centered transformation in their lives. This class is more structured and digs a little deeper into the teaching of Gods word. Teaching time is balanced between Bible lessons, discussion, prayer, Bible games, crafts and music. We are making disciples out of these young children.
We are looking forward to meeting your child in our Team Kids ministry program!
Come worship with us!
Darlene Miller -Team Kids Director
We are looking forward to meeting your child in our Team Kids ministry program!
Come worship with us!
Darlene Miller -Team Kids Director

We always have something new going on! Click below to view children events.